Sunday 31 May 2015

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?Love is ...

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?

Love is ...
: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important? Love is a beautiful thing Questions are so very useful. Yesterday I enjoyed spending tim...
Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?

Love is a beautiful thing

Questions are so very useful. Yesterday I enjoyed spending time with Archan, our friend Barb and one of my favorite activities touching, smelling a horse. Barb called inviting us to go fiddle head picking, my mind went immediately to there must be something I SHOULD be doing. Do you have that, the SHOULDS? So I asked myself "Why is being kind to myself important? I know the kind thing to do for myself is to do fun things, to spend time with friends, be in nature, be with a horse, all of this nurtures me, fills my tank up, so I can do the things that I know need to be done and do them with a joyful heart, with  energy, and compassion.

My cells are doing a happy dance in anticipation
I am grateful to Mother Earth for her gifts which I ingest which becomes a part of me, like delicious fiddle heads. Here is to kindness, I am dancing, living  in a sea of kindness. Hugs to you all, mary